14 Polymer Clay Millefiori Flower Canes Tutorial – The Complete “Enchanted Garden” (eBooks+Videos)


Product Description

14 Polymer Clay Millefiori Flower Canes Tutorial – The Complete “Enchanted Garden”

Enchanted Garden – Learn how to create 14 different sophisticated, un-usual, imaginary millefiori polymer clay canes designs!
Create one cane – get 3 options! Leaves, petals & flowers!

Best seller14 quality classes for creating magical leaf canes, that turn into petals that turn into flowers!

In this new set of tutorials, there are no traditional everyday flowers!

In the “Enchanted Garden” you will discover imaginary, marvelous canes that will spark your inspiration and give you endless new ideas for your next designs and polymer clay projects.

What will you learn in the Enchanted Garden Tutorials?
► Save time! Some of the techniques are so easy and speedy that you’ll have new canes in no time! Effective millefiori canning and fast results.
► We will learn how to create 3D effects inside our polymer clay canes by re-shaping and placing blends in a specific order.
► Special focus on advanced and un-traditional polymer clay petals and leaf techniques, no basic, standard and ordinary flower canes here!
► We will twist and shape our blends into geometric designs to create sophisticated looking millefiori.
► Discover how to create multi- purpose millefiori canes that can look totally different with every “pinch”!
► Learn all about using bits and pieces of skinner blends and scrap canes to create the most exciting millefiori canes you can imagine!

In the Enchanted Garden tutorials we will go through the creation of special blends giving us instant results in as little as 3 rolls in the pasta machine. We will also briefly review the creation of an accordion and a round skinner blend as a base to our canes.

Vol. 34
3 Canes, 3 Videos

► The Ripples Leaf Cane – How to create a dazzling petal/leaf cane using only 3 colors and 3 rolls in the pasta machine.
► 5 Minutes Fantasy Leaf Cane – How to create a wonderful gradient effect in 5 minutes without really creating a skinner blend.
► Twins 2 in 1 Leaf Cane – How to create a multi purpose double sided leaf you can use separately as 2 different canes or combine together into a single multi options cane!

Vol. 35
4 Canes, 4 Videos

► Spring Confetti Leaf Cane – How to create a cool leaf cane made almost entirely from leftovers & scrap canes and connect it’s lines to create a hexagon/ pentagon shapes inside a flower!
► The Globe Leaf Cane – Discover “new continents” on your new cane! How to create the most fun and easy leaf you ever made with a final result that is always a surprise!
► Beetle Swirl Leaf Cane – How to create a cheerful spiral “bug eyes” cane where it’s eyes is creating another inner flower!
► Candy Land Leaf Cane – SPECIAL BONUS!
How to create a fun cane made of skinner blends, inserts and colors!

Vol. 36
3 Canes, 3 Videos

► Checkered Surprise Leaf Cane – How to create a sophisticated looking petal, almost hypnotizing yet very simple to make.
► The Pixel Leaf Cane – How to create a marvelous pattern cane that is so easy to create with a final stunning result.
► Ocean Wave Leaf Cane – How to create a relaxing and peaceful cane created with skinner blend slices, placed in a wavy, curly form.

Vol. 37
4 Canes, 4 Videos

► Laser Beams Leaf Cane – How to create a glowing magical pattern achieved by colors and skinner blends combination.
► Fireworks Leaf Cane – How to create a star bursting petal cane that creates thrilling rounded halo when assembled into a flower cane.
► Rain Drops Leaf Cane – How to create a charming delicate cane, almost like a real leaf with water drops after the rain.
► Ray of Light Leaf Cane SPECIAL BONUS! How to create a fun cane creating 3D effect by using skinner blend in various positions and options.

Tutorials Videos
Each of the 14 millefiori leaf canes is accompanied by a very detailed video demonstrating cane creation process from start to finish, each video length is 10-15 minutes.

Included – 4 PDF files & detailed password protected videos to each millefiori cane.

These flower canes can be a part of a larger design, inside another cane or on beads, flat surfaces etc.
More tutorials on using your millefiori canes can be found here.

When purchasing PolyPediaOnline Express tutorial you will get unlimited access to the tutorial video/s. There is no limitation on the number of times you can watch the videos, but you can not download it to your hard drive. These videos are password protected and passwords will be sent to you by email along with the PDF files after completing your purchase.

Pre-requisites – Some previous experience with skinner blends is helpful but the process is demonstrated in several videos.

Tutorial Level – Advanced beginner and above.

** Important – This tutorial does not include instructions for background filling of flower canes. The background filling master class is offered in the “Festive Flora” millefiori canes tutorial.

All projects includes my special benefit of 100% online support.
You can contact me with any question you have and I will assist you in any way I can.

If you wish to purchase this tutorial, please scroll up, press on “Add to Cart” Button and proceed to checkout.

Please note – all rights reserved to Iris Mishly. It is prohibited to make commercial use of the tutorial and/or it’s content. This Tutorial is for your personal use only – Please do not distribute or share it in any way.

Have a creative day! :)

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