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My polymer clay made it into the “Examiner” magazine! I’m happy to share my story & interview written for the Examiner magazine.
The Examiner magazine is a dynamic, news and lifestyle network that serves more than 20 million monthly readers across the U.S. and around the world. The magazine itself was new to me but I was so happy to find all sorts of polymer clay related articles in it!
In the interview, Ms. Meagan Meehan, a NY Art Examiner, challenged me with a variety of questions on how I started my polymer work, what are my beliefs, inspiration, business advice to other artists and plans for the future. We even discussed my future-to-be grandchildren! LOL ;)
It’s quite a long interview (I didn’t know I had so much to say!) but if you’re wonder how, why and where – all the answers are there!
Thank you for taking the time to read, I’d be happy to hear your feedback in the comments below :)

Each year I am kindly asked to send donations to polymer clay guilds organizing events.
These jewelry donations are being auctioned and the earnings goes to a worthy cause.
This year have sent 2 polymer-macrame jewellery sets: One set was sent to the Orlando polymer clay guild “Orlando Fandango 2016” event, and the other set was sent to the Central Oklahoma guild – “OK Poly-Clay 2016 Twisters Retreat”.
Both sets were created with beads from my INKredible technique, using alcohol inks, paints, stamps & stencils and micro macrame knotting taken from the “INKredible Macrame” master class.
The knotting technique is using the shape of the bead to create the design itself, nothing is planned ahead :) Your base bead can be round, teardrop shape, oval etc.
First, the bead is wrapped using a knotted setting (like in this bracelet), then, the cords are gathered into 2 groups/sets – one to create the top part of the design (sometimes divided again into several groups) and the second group is decorating the bottom part of the bead. The cords do not have to be long as we are simply creating our pendant. The long necklace is attached to the finished pendant, later. I love to use the cords and add single beads to make a sort of a tassel!
I am using the Linhasita cords which are cotton cords treated with a wax finish (made in brazil). These cords have the tendency to give a neat and accurate look.
Embellish your beads with macrame knotting!
Enjoy a special 25% discount for the upcoming Easter holiday on ALL “INKredible Macrame” & “INKredible Polymer” tutorials! NOTE – No need to type a coupon – price will be reduced after adding to cart. Offer expires March 29th midnight.
CLICK ON LINKS BELOW to start Inking, Knotting or both! Special goodies kit is included when ordering the “complete sets” –
https://www.polypediaonlineexpress.com/product-category/technique/micro-macrame-pattern/ https://www.polypediaonlineexpress.com/product-category/technique/alcohol-inks-techniques/
I’m sure folks at the Orlando & Oklahoma retreat will enjoy their time claying with friends and I’m happy and honored to be giving back to the community who supports me!
Take care :) Iris
CLICK ON LINKS BELOW to start Inking, Knotting or both! Special goodies kit is included when ordering the “complete sets” –
https://www.polypediaonlineexpress.com/product-category/technique/micro-macrame-pattern/ https://www.polypediaonlineexpress.com/product-category/technique/alcohol-inks-techniques/

In the past year I made a big change in my life.
A youtube video documenting the ecological state of our one-and-only planet Earth, made me realize something is going very wrong. I started digging inside and what I found made me look at our world in a completely different angle.
Polymer clay, inks, paints, transfers & micro macrame
But knowing is not enough. My personal way of dealing with this insight was becoming an environmentalist and I chose a vegan life style.
If you wonder what does it means to be a “vegan” – Vegans do not use any kind of merchandise made of or by animals for food or others, both from ecological and ethical reasons. Sadly, the animal industry (with the “amazing human touch”) is the one responsible for most of environmental destruction (you can learn more about this subject in the documentary film “CowSpiracy”).
I chose to help the planet, the animals and my own health as well – and surprisingly – no more headaches, migraines, allergies – my medication drawer is getting smaller with every day going by.
Some vegans are considered radical but I can assure you I’m not, in fact, I was glad to discover my inner compassion & empathy to any living soul after changing my lifestyle. Every entity seeks security, warmth and happiness – People, dogs, cows and even ants. That being said, I was sad to discover that the beliefs I was brought up to were wrong and well manipulated by tycoons and their fortune. Things are not exactly as them seem. My polymer clay 50 years Staedtler’s FIMO tile is representing my personal call – “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. A quote by Mahatma Gandhi.
Cross stitch planner is used to write the letters, then transferred into the macrame knotting
I’ve used both polymer clay and micro macramé. The polymer clay included 2 base sheets made with inks, paints, image transfers and stencils, stacked one on the other and decorated with wording. Stars and blue for our planet, red heart for the wounded & hurt. The macrame pattern was drawn using a cross stitch online planner and then transferred into the cords using knots and different cord colours. This technique is called “Cavandoli knotting”, resembling Tapestry designs. With this technique you can basically transfer any wording into cords (remember we did it in friendship bracelets back when we were in school?)
Yes, I know polymer clay is not a very “green” material but we can definitely use our art to send out a message to the world. We can not fix everything, but we can try doing our own small steps.
“Be the change” is representing being an ambassador of compassion, empathy, kindness & peace. No more blood, war or misery. This is my single pray before I close my eyes at night.
Like always, I am here for any questions. Please feel free to contact me, I’d be happy to assist in any way I can. :)

A while back when I started my micro macrame adventure, I got an email from Sage Bray, the editor of “The Polymer Arts” magazine looking for article writers for the upcoming issues offering polymer clay related content on different subjects. One of the subjects was “Focals” which I thought would perfectly fit the polymer-macrame technique, after all, My polymer clay beads are used as some kind of “focals” when combining them with cords – right? Although micro macrame and polymer clay are not a popular match, it is a perfect match in my opinion! So I sent Sage my article suggestion and was very happy to be accepted, she was very excited about it! She even said she did macrame a while back!
In time, the name of the issue was changed to “Convergence” which definetly describes the beauty in mixing a variety of materials with polymer clay work. It never cease to amaze me what MORE we can do with polymer – such a magical medium!
“Knotted Together” – Iris Mishly’s Polymer Clay – Micro Macrame article
I’m very happy and proud to be a part of the new issue of The Polymer Arts Magazine – Spring 2016 “Convergence”, featuring a 5 pages comprehensive article on using cords, macrame & polymer together. The article is dealing with our benefits, as polymer clay artists, creating our very own custom-made polymer clay beads while discussing all aspects of knotted patterns combined with clay beads – bead sizes, holes (drilling after/prior to baking?), thickness, shapes, surface techniques and many more. A gallery of photos are also included to demonstrate the many possibilities hidden within cords and knotting.
As a bonus you will get a photographed earring set tutorial AND…Since learning micro macrame knotting from pictures is challenging, I am offering FREE videos for you to practice and experiment – ALL included!
If you’re considering joining the macrame “wagon” – feel free to use my 10% off coupon code: type “10%OFF” on checkout The full separate projects (or pampering kit!) are linked here – https://www.polypediaonlineexpress.com/product-category/technique/micro-macrame-pattern/
Please feel free to share this post to someone who you may think be interested in learning more about knotting with polymer!
Happy claying!
Iris <3

Who doesn’t have endless metal findings in their craft drawer? I have so many!
I love to buy findings. Many of my metal findings were purchased in fancy, expensive findings stores but some were purchased in low-cost fashion shops, taken apart from ready-made commercial jewellery to be re-designed into another jewel. Yes, I know they are not 24K gold quality but sometimes you don’t want to invest a fortune to create a jewel.
The findings are usually found in silver, gold & copper colours but what if you want them Turquoise? Orange? Red? This is where Gilders Paste comes to our aid.
The Gilders Paste is a wax based medium used to highlight objects. It comes in many colours, placed in a small round box, smells like shoe polish and feels the same.
You can apply it on polymer, metal, wood and many other materials. Use your finger, a sponge, toothbrush, paintbrush or cloth in a rubbing motion.
You can layer it to create beautiful effects.
Drying time varies depending on surface but it dries very quickly on metal (~10 minutes).
When I saw my old findings I knew I couldn’t use them as they are. Some of them were even starting to tarnish so the paste gave them new life, colour and even protection!
You can see two samples combining these findings in my Macrame earrings: Patina colour (turquoise) and Orange.
Now go check your old and boring metal findings and give them an upgrade using the many gilder paste colours!
Have fun! :)

We have a winner of the students micro macrame giveaway handmade bracelet! Rita Hammock! Congratulations! You are the winner of a fancy new micro macrame bracelet made especially as a gift to one of my students :)
The bracelet was made using Linhasita wax cords and a focal polymer clay bead made with the “INKredible Polymer 2” alcohol inks technique. The bead was carved with a central channel for easy threading of all cords around it. Each side of the strap is different to create unique, fashionable appearence – You can play with your design to make it real one-of-a-kind :)
Thank you all B.A, M.A and Ph.D students who joined the Polymer Clay – Micro Macrame adventure, you are about to enter a new world of joy! The new class is available at www.polypediaonlineexpress.com shop.
Thank you all participants of the giveaway!
See you soon!

————————- “INKredible Macrame” class is all about using your polymer skills with an extra “twist” – cords and knots – creating an irresistible, original design! It only looks complicated but in fact it is NOT!
Once you mastered 3-4 basic knots, you will be able to create your own patterns, sell them and use knotting to create findings – bails, hangers, necklace straps, bracelets & cuffs, bezel settings, clasps & closures, rings and many more – all with knots!
Less commercial – more “artistical”!
Here is the “Pinky Style” FREE INKredible Macrame class – In this video I used the diagonal double half hitch knot along with larks head knot – Easy! 20 minutes and you have a new set of earrings!
Don’t miss the “Blue Galaxy” FREE INKredible Macrame class – In this video I used the double half hitch knot along with larks head knot.
I have been getting wonderful feedbacks from the new “INKredible Macrame” students –
“Hi Iris,
It’s the weekend over here in Australia and I have just watched your basics macrame video. Amazing! Very clear instructions and the pace was really suited to me, like REALLY suited! I feel like you have unlocked some otherwise inconceivable wisdom, making it very easy to digest and be inspired by. I love your designs and I love your methods and I love your approach!! Joyce Wong, Australia
If you’re ready for your next INKredible adventure –
Choose between 5 options –
OR order a single set from the ‘INKredible Macrame” pack :
3. For The “INKredible Macrame – Bachelor Pack (13 polymer & macrame projects) – Press Here
4. For The “INKredible Macrame – Masters Pack (10 polymer & macrame projects) – Press Here
5. For The “INKredible Macrame – Ph.D Pack (6 polymer & macrame projects) – Press Here
Prepare yourself for the upcoming holidays and dazzle your friends & family with original exquisite gifts!

Congratulations Rebecca Chisenhall! You are the winner of the “guessing game“!
Thank you all for your wonderful comments! It was so interesting reading them all; So original and different one from another!
Some of you thought the new class is an “A-Z polymer encyclopedia”, some thought extruded projects, some “original polymer beads using lots of different techniques”, threads, mix media, transfers and…Macrame!
Yes! Most of you were close! Mix Media, threads, different techniques, transfers – ALL INCLUDED!
My new class is all about new alcohol inks techniques, polymer clay beads & micro macrame knotting!
Here is a sneak peek on a quick and easy micro macrame project, a FREEbie “Blue Galaxy” tutorial demonstrating an earrings project made of a polymer clay bead, metal findings and wax cords.
Although Micro macramé is mostly about 3-4 knots, many people are intimidated by it.
BUT! With good guidance you will succeed!
In my classes I address all the steps necessary to complete a project, breaking the learning into small segments, clear filming angles, slow motions & close-up shots, making sure all the information you need is provided to you!
The formal class announcement will be sent to your email tomorrow so make sure you check your inbox –
Lot’s of gifts, giveaways and goodies are on their way to you! BUT…Gifts stock is limited! Don’t miss it!
Enjoy this short and fun video & if you have cords nearby, give it a try!
Ready for your own INKredible adventure? JOIN the INKredibles with endless creative projects to inspire you! https://www.polypediaonlineexpress.com/inkredible2-inkredible-macrame-polymer-clay-tutorials/ Iris.

Hello Everyone! It’s so good to be back ☺
For the past year I have been exploring new methods to upgrade our polymer clay work, give it a twist up.
Many of you asked me in my last tutorial survey, for new ways to embed polymer clay beads and to create something new and exciting.
The time has come! I am happy to announce my new polymer clay class, which will be offered in the next few days. After working (for almost 9 months!) I have created over 60 videos and 50 projects, my “baby” is almost here! Just few final pushes and it will be out ;)
Curious to know what it is all about? You’re welcomed to join the guessing game here and offer your best guess!
One of you will be the winner of a free polymer clay tutorial project of your choice!There are a lot more to come! Freebies, gifts and endless surprises, stay tuned!
Join the guessing @ PolyPediaOnlineExpress LEAVE YOUR COMMENT BELOW –
1. Choose your guess in the comments section below (psssstt… you can peek and see what others wrote…)
2. Write your email in your response, I want to know who to send the free class!
3. If you want to share this blog post with your Facebook friends and twitter followers you will double your chances! Press on the relevant icon on the bottom/top of this post to share, or “copy & paste” the post link (don’t forget to let know in your comment where you shared it)
A random winner will be announced here, in the Express Blog. Make sure you come back to find out if you won or Join the mailing list to be notified when the new class is announced!
That’s it! You’re done!
A new polymer clay tutorial?

I had the honour of being one of the instructors in this year Orlando Fandango 2015 – Polymer Clay Retreat hosted in Lake Yale Baptist Conference center in Leesburg, Florida.
Although I’m still in my jet-lag phase, I wanted to share some of the photos of this wonderful event.
My INKredible class was chosen by last year 2014 Fandango participants as one of the 3 classes to be taught in 2015. When I was notified about my selection I quickly sat down and started thinking of new ways to use alcohol inks with polymer clay in all it’s 3 forms – cured, un-cured and liquid.
Many of the students already purchased my INKredible online class, so I wanted to bring a new angle to this amazing material, challenging myself and my students, experimenting with new surface techniques.
Like you, there are many materials we know now, that I didn’t know a while ago, back when I published my ink class, at 2012. Now, after testing new materials, I could bring my “old” knowledge into a new field and it was an inspirational experience, pure joy!
You probably saw my earrings post published several weeks ago, all my endless experiments were translated into small earring sample (to save on the suitcase weight!) and each showed a new surface design using known materials in different, new ways.
I am happy to say that the feedback from the students was heart warming. Each had her own interpretation of the technique – colours, patterns, textures, design – a colourful celebration.
THANK YOUs!I want first to thank the Orlando polymer clay guild for inviting me to this well organized, peaceful colorful event! It was a pleasure! Thank you dear students for choosing me and my class and giving me this wonderful opportunity to visit Florida (this time not on roller coasters!) and touring your large beautiful country! I had my other half joining me to a great vacation at the keys and NYC! Thank you Polyform for your generous donation of clay, textures, liquid clay, gloss, findings and so much more! You spoiled us well! Thank you Eugena Topina and Lindly Haunani, my colleague instructors for the lovely company and smiles :)
I hope to meet you all again!
#gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Goodie Bag! The beautiful Baptist conference center, Leesburg, Florida The beautiful Baptist conference center, Leesburg, Florida The beautiful Baptist conference center, Leesburg, Florida The beautiful Baptist conference center, Leesburg, Florida The beautiful Baptist conference center, Leesburg, Florida The beautiful Baptist conference center, Leesburg, Florida Nita is handling the ovens! Captain heat! Students in class Students in class Demoing… Students in class Students in class Students in class Students in class Students in class Demoing Extruder secrets… Students in class Crazy Nancy Terry with her new necklace Students work Students work Students work Students work Earrings class samples Along with Eugena and Lindly Raising our gifts! Tea mugs Students work Students work Students work On my way to Key West On my way to Key West Everglades NYV NYC NYC Key West With my sweet other half