Hello fellow crafters!
Thank you for visiting my shop :)
I am Iris Mishly, polymer clay & macrame artist living in Israel.
Coincidence led me to discover polymer clay back in 2004, I took one basic millefiori class and was instantly hooked.
I consider myself a mix media artist exploring the many faces of polymer clay, and as a former fashion designer, graphic designer, and an active polymer clay blogger, I developed an eye for innovation, originality and aesthetic in design.
Where does my story begin?
Back in the 90’s, I graduated from Haifa’s “WIZO” academy of design studying Fashion Design. Shortly after completing my studies I admitted to myself that fashion just isn’t my thing. I took a U-turn and did a bachelor degree in Hebrew Language only to realize I cannot live without art!
With 2 degrees I decided I had enough sitting on my *** and decided to teach myself graphic and web design. I am a genuine self-learner!
It wasn’t long after that I discovered polymer clay, and that was my “eureka” moment.
For the past nine years I am developing dozens techniques and designs, transforming them into educational classes both online and as group workshops.
Would you like to know the most important time-saving tips?
Or you may want to become a professional, and turn your hobby into your profession?
My main mission is to teach, share and inspire artists and hobbyists to work with polymer clay, to create and fill their soul. This medium is magical! It has so many faces!. Never a dull moment when working with polymer clay.
Available in all craft stores, polymer clay is so accessible, no need for fancy tools or materials, no special ovens, once you master the basics – no one can stand in your way!
If you love crafts and looking for a new medium to dive into – consider polymer clay!
I am here to inspire your imagination and teach you everything I know – quickly and easily!
Don’t hesitate to message me with any question you may have, I’d be happy to hear from you.
I’m also educating children and adults in private classes, which find this fascinating medium their new passion.
I am always happy to meet new people from new cultures & new countries. I am fortunate to teach polymer clay artists worldwide – UK, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic and United States in international events. These amazing events proved that the desire to know, develop and master is endless where ever you are.
If you would be interested in inviting me to teach in your country, please let me know!
I am also on Instagram – https://instagram.com/irismishly/
Flickr – https://www.flickr.com/photos/irismishly
and of course – FaceBook! https://www.facebook.com/PolyPediaOnline/
My work was featured on:
Larks Publications (500 series) – “1000 beads” & “Showcase 500 necklaces”; Cynthia Tinnaple’s Polymer Clay Daily blog, Polymer Cafe Magazine (June 2009), The Polymer Arts Magazine (November 2011), Bead Scene Magazine, Making Jewellery Magazine, Israeli Magazines, in Books (“Edle Shmuck Unikate Accessoires aus Polymer Clay” by Bettina Welker, “1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse” by Garth Jhonson, “European Polymer Clay Art“ Book by Anke Humpert & Martina Weller) as well as on Israeli Designers TV Show.
Click here for more publications

“The Polymer Arts” Magazine Cover – Brocade Collection Purses Tutorial
Thank you very much for stopping by!
Join the polymer clay fun!
Iris Mishly