Hello Everyone!
It’s so good to be back ☺
For the past year I have been exploring new methods to upgrade our polymer clay work, give it a twist up.
Many of you asked me in my last tutorial survey, for new ways to embed polymer clay beads and to create something new and exciting.
The time has come!
I am happy to announce my new polymer clay class, which will be offered in the next few days.
After working (for almost 9 months!) I have created over 60 videos and 50 projects, my “baby” is almost here!
Just few final pushes and it will be out ;)
Curious to know what it is all about?
You’re welcomed to join the guessing game here and offer your best guess!
One of you will be the winner of a free polymer clay tutorial project of your choice!
There are a lot more to come!
Freebies, gifts and endless surprises, stay tuned!
Join the guessing @ PolyPediaOnlineExpress
1. Choose your guess in the comments section below (psssstt… you can peek and see what others wrote…)
2. Write your email in your response, I want to know who to send the free class!
3. If you want to share this blog post with your Facebook friends and twitter followers you will double your chances! Press on the relevant icon on the bottom/top of this post to share, or “copy & paste” the post link (don’t forget to let know in your comment where you shared it)
A random winner will be announced here, in the Express Blog.
Make sure you come back to find out if you won
or Join the mailing list to be notified when the new class is announced!
That’s it! You’re done!

A new polymer clay tutorial?
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FREE TUTORIAL - PolyPediaOnline Express INKredible Macrame Tutorial - Blue Galaxy Earrings & Guessing game Winner - PolyPediaOnlineExpress.comPolyPediaOnlineExpress.com
[…] Congratulations Rebecca Chisenhall! You are the winner of the “guessing game”! […]
I think your next tutorial is about extruded, twisted strips with added beads.
I think you are working on hollow and dimensional items
I’m hoping it’s an “All About Polymer Clay and Getting Started.”
The encyclopedia of polymer techniques: Everything from A to Z and a few things no one else has been brave enough to do.
I think your new class is all about creating original polymer beads using lots of different techniques and about designing necklaces or bracelets using those beads.
I think you are working on mixing bead weaving and polymer clay. :-)
I think it’s all about different types of clays and their strengths to use for different projects
My dear Iris I think that you have dived into the surface treatments with other materials, with “unusual” tools and into possibilities of combining these techniques in unique ways ;-)
Perhaps marbling + mixes
Is your new project color weaving?
It looks like weaving and transfer, also some mixed media beads? Who knows?
Anything other than jewelry. Looking forward to whatever you are planning next.
Arlene waytogrow1@shaw.ca
I believe you are taking people’s requests seriously and have built up many videos and projects demonstrating how to embed new and different materials on/into polymer clay.
Hmmm… this is hard.. Maybe something about creating original polymer beads + other things, using lots of different techniques and tools – and how to add different things in clay to get more amazing looks to the works.. And how to try fix things if something goes wrong……
Ah ah ! i ‘m not sure to have understand well what to write here…..( i’m french ….) may be how to use polymer clay to make objects that are not jewelry ?
I would love to see some pendant and bead designs with polymer clay with some interesting designs like embedding other polymer bead creations and layering with unique canes like faces, florals, flourishes, etc. Can’t wait to see!
Something involving ink, doodling, and liquidolymer Clay
Sera nuevas técnicas de diseño con pinturas sobre la arcilla polimerica?
Maybe some twisted extrusions to use in beads and embellishments.
Different techniques from around the world for making polymer clay beads/jewelry.
Dear Iris,
I’m going to guess your new tutorials will included layering LPC tinted with inks, PC stenciled with paint, metal findings and other mixed media elements to enhance the design.
Thank you for your wonderful work. I love it.
coucou , pour ma part je pense que c’est un tuto avec des encres de nouvelles façons de les utiliser
Mixed media jewellery!
Ooh! Macramé!
Guessing your new work includes some use of transfers, lpc, colored pencils. and translucents to create some new surface techniques. Looking forward to seeing more.
My guess is using non-polymer items to make mixed media polymer clay for decorating our homes.
I’m guessing maybe cloisonne with polymer clay. That would be wonderful to learn.
Maybe something about creating original polymer things, using lots of different techniques and tools – and how to add different things in clay to get more amazing looks to the works.. And how to try to fix things if something goes wrong. I would love to learn different techniques.
I just can’t thank you enough for giving us so much information.
What I would like it to be is embedding polymer beads and objects into cement or something to make stepping stones for a garden
i am thinking that you may have been working on giving techniques a new twist and maybe combining some to give new looks to those basic ideas.
My guess on the new tutorial – new ways of incorporating intricate die cuts and embossing plates (with the explosion of intricate die cuts and embossing plates in the market today) into polymer based beads, flowers and jewelry plus new painting and stamping techniques on clay (with lots of new paints plus colors and stamping techniques being introduced in the market).
Hi.I think you have had a wonderful time using your knowledge to teach us new things.Polymer clay is not my format as far as Art goes but I love it.Thanks for taking the time to do this Irish.I am not going to guess but it must be great,Marilyn
Looks like adding eyelets then crocheting or sewing pieces together.
I am hoping you have been creating ways to mimic lamp work beads and other natural type stones such as agate and jasper. I love lamp work beads but they are so expensive although worth it.. :-)
Iris, I think you have come up with new ideas to incorporate polymer clay beads into mixed media type jewelry projects, with new ways of attaching/embedding the beads using cord and threads, among other things and ways!
Dear Iris, whatever it is I know it will blow our socks off. The way your mind works, I would not even try to guess but will just wait patiently until you announce it.
Perhaps it is a tutorial about combining claywork and beadweaving.
I’m sure it will be terrific. I’m look forward. :-)
Ciao e a presto
a tutorial on using old methods with newly found objects and materials
Using your computer to design pixilated images and translating that into clay.
I think it will be a great tutorial on extruded pieces.
I think it will be something with natural look, using findings and beads with a natural surface. Faux stones, lampwork beads, wooden surface. But if not, it will be grate too. Like everytime! :-)
I think it is a hollow form that you can embed three D clay items. Uses of mix media in the final construction.
I think you will be showing us many amazing techniques from alchol inks to adding beads to macramé, to embedding and more. I love my videos I received on alchol inks and I am so looking forward to your new tutorials. I want to add that I am so impressed with the clarity and ease of your tutorials. They are easy to understand, follow, see visually and enjoy! Thanks so much! Judy, Rochester, NY
Thank you so much Judy! these kind of feedbacks are so good to hear! Appreciate it :)
Does it have to do with using glass marbles?